It’s a tough morning here at Boriswatch HQ. As part of an organisation indirectly linked to the Conservative Mayor of London, our offices have been trashed overnight by a number of rogue elements who joined the peaceful student march through London this week.
At least three of our tea mugs are chipped, and there appears to be a photocopy of someone’s buttocks in our xerox machine.*
Thankfully, Bozza came to our aid and said this of the rioters who also damaged the Tory party HQ on Millbank: “I hope very much that they are caught, that they are prosecuted and that they face the full force of the law.”
The Mayor correctly underlined the student’s right to peaceful protest (“this city has a tradition of allowing people to protest peacefully”) and acknowledged that “there were certainly more protesters than the Police..and the organisers had expected”. However, the Mayor condemned “a tiny minority [who] abused their right to peaceful protest, engaging in acts of criminality and violence which actually endangered people’s lives.”
(*No damage actually done. We think it may have been the elderly cleaning lady, not the students.)
Short memory Bozza has – what about the Bullingdon Club ?
Presumably that was ok as HE ( and “Tin Tin” Cameron) were doing the smashing up !!