I'll have a hotel on Boris, please
If you’ve ever dreamed of emulation Boris and becoming the Lord Mayor of London…then now is your chance.
In aid of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal charities, the “City of London” board game has been launched where the aim is to reach Mansion House and become Lord Mayor by answering a series of questions about the city, its people and its landmarks.
The game costs the princely sum of £29.95 (or £25 if you buy it in person), although quite how challenging it is I am not sure. According to the website the questions “are multiple choice and many of the answers are on the board or on the box.” So, as long as you can read the box, you’ll be OK. Hardly Trivial Pursuit, is it?
Still, considering the problems inherent in becoming Mayor of actually being nominated, undertaking a campaign and getting several million people to vote for you, I am sure Bozza would rather have thrown £30 at it and answered a few multiple choice questions about London’s culture…