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Harnessing your feedback – a new little tab

By June 8, 2009News

The ideas and posts for Boriswatch often stem from you guys – fellow Boridwatchers with a keen eye for Boris-based details. So, we’ve decided to harness that power.
See the little blue “Feedback” tab half-way up the far right of every Boriswatch page? That, my friends, is a new way to contact Boriswatch Towers if you have any praise, comments, complaints or ideas on anything Boriswatch. It’s in conjunction with a great little service called Get Satisfaction, and all the feedback will be available in the Boriswatch Forum over at Get Satisfaction.
So, click on the tab and praise/comment/complain/suggest away!


  • MikeSC says:

    Gah, where’s the real BorisWatch gone?

  • angela says:

    Boriswatch Towers! that’s a catchy name for Boris Johnson’s abode. I bet it’s much more fun that Boris’s twin at Trump Towers, and Boris’s hair is all his own, and he doesn’t need a comb over and hair spray like The Donald.

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