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Has the buffoon disappeared?

By April 11, 2009News

:(A piece in The Telegraph today assesses where the Boris the Buffoon persona has gone, and takes in his first year of Mayordom in a positive, glowing light. “Has Boris Johnson left the buffoon behind?“  argues that while there have been a couple of episodes Boris would rather forget, the overall path the administration is taking is to be applauded – and if nothing else, having a man like Boris at the helm is a great deal better than some grey, drab, political-line-toeing politician London could have landed itself with…

Boriswatch, meanwhile, is rocketing – no doubt because of the enduring, endearing allure of the man! March was Boriswatch’s most popular month so far, with a fabulously tense conversation happening in the comments of the recent post Kitten Voodoo. So hello everyone, don’t be shy – Boriswatch is continuing to track the big Bozza so you don’t have to!


  • dave says:

    Boris Johnson was never a buffoon. The buffoons were the people who failed to recognise how bright he is, because they were misled by his joking.

  • Sid says:

    Boris has made some good decisions and anyone who feared he was not tough enough has been proved wrong. The departure of Sir Ian Blair, and the way he dealt with Tim Parker for starters showed a steely streak. Boris is no pushover.

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