It seems Boris’s black cloud has finally lifted a little bit, as the Guardian reports on the founding of the Mayor’s Fund for London. This is an organisation entirely separate from City Hall, and aims to help some 600,000 of the Capital’s disadvantaged youths. Quoth Boris:
More than 600,000 children live below the poverty line and London is home to some of the most deprived boroughs in the country. Like Robin Hood, we want to draw riches from wealth-creators to give life-changing support to the poorest Londoners.
With £4.5 million already in the pot (and a target of five times that by 2013), it seems like this is an organisation that might be able to do some real good to those young people who need it — a fact that can only be beneficial. With a focus on everything from education to child safety and support, the blanket nature of the scheme means that it can help everyone, and not just a specific few. Hopefully Boriswatch’s loyal readership will join us in wishing the Powers That Be the best in this new charitable venture.
PS. In response to the flood of emails we’ve had regarding the welfare of the kitten mentioned in the last entry (and to keep the PETA people from breaking down our door), we here are Boriswatch Towers would like to assure all our readers that he is, in fact, fine and well and completely unsacrificed.
See for yourself.