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The Green Issue

By December 1, 2008December 5th, 2008News

The papers certainly haven’t shied away from reporting on the recent Damien Green scandal, despite the fact that details (for anyone who hasn’t been following the case from the outset) are a little muddled. Whatever has happened, it’s clear that the end result was not approved of by many people high up the chain of command; condemnation has come from such far-flung figures as Tory Leader David Cameron, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg and Labour politician Tony Benn — although Gordon Brown has stayed conspicuously silent on the subject, noting that it’s ‘a police matter’.

Now, Boris has come out and spoken forcefully against the arrest, having been reported as saying that he would require ‘convincing evidence that this action was necessary and proportionate’, and noting that police time might be better spent dealing with gun and knife crime. While from a legal perspective, Boris isn’t allowed to get involved in police procedure — he’s chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, which stops him being involved in operational matters — he’s certainly making his presence felt in the case.

Whether guilty or innocent, it seems as though Green’s problems are far from over as fresh allegations continue to come to light. However, he’s far from alone, and it seems that he has the support of much of the highest echelons of British politics.

Was Boris right to make his very vocal protestations, or should he have maintained impartiality, just in case this association comes back to haunt him later? Have your say in the comments.


  • John says:

    Boris has been showing his teeth recently, and I’m all for that. He is almost always speaking common sense, and doesn’t seem worried about the political nuances of what he says. Go Bozza!

  • Tracey says:

    It’s the Boris we all know and love

  • Emily says:

    Definitely, it’s great that he speaks his mind without worrying too much about whether people are going to disagree. We need someone honest like that, good on you Boris 🙂

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