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Back Boris announces official campaign launch

By August 31, 2007News

Back Boris, the website devoted to the Boris’s official Mayor campaign, have announced the official start to the campaign on Monday 3rd September at County Hall, cheekily where Ken Livingstone used to have his headquarters. Over 100 supporters will be there to cheer him on – sadly Boriswatch is unavailable to visit the launch. Maybe some of you will can report back?


  • Paul Noakes says:

    Go get em Boris, like your no nonsense approach to anti social bahaviour, just what we need !! I’m fed up to the back teeth of all the do gooders, we need to get tough and reclaim the streets for all the decent people in our society.
    Backing you all the way !

  • alan foreman says:

    good on you boris cant stand livingstone cost me thousands in congestion charges. and bendy busses are a night mare. as too empty bus lanes. good luck. Alan foreman Basildon essex

  • Dave from Liverpool says:

    Oh what fun for the masses, let “Boris le Buffoon” be mayor, Big Brother has finished and the bored need a clown Prince. Let him rule and let London take its turn to be the centre of ridicule.
    “Poor Prince, thy prick, like thy buffoons at Court, will govern thee because it makes thee sport”

  • Simon F says:

    Blimey Dave… A scouser who doesnt like Boris?…well..well.
    Not to worry though…No danger of London (or indeed anywhere else) taking the esteemed title of ‘Centre of Ridicule’ from Liverpool.

    You title is safe…and indeed, I believe Liverpool is also in the running for the ‘always in the news for the wrong reasons’ award!

    How you lot won ‘Capital of Culture’ from my Esteemed Newcastle is quite beyond me 😉

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