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Boris official site down…

By July 23, 2007News

So, what’s up with the Boris Johnson site, Boriswatch wondered. One minute it’s up, then it’s down. Then it’s up. And down. Boriswatch decided to ask the hosters what was wrong.
Boris Johnson’s official site has always been a tough gig to manage, it seems. The hosting company have reported around 10 Denial-Of-Service attacks a year, and just when a new server is found in Gloucestershire to cope with the new Mayor-based traffic, along comes the great floods and causes communication issues. Hence a blank website today.
It seems that while Boris is possibly the most popular politician on the planet, there are plenty of geeks and rainclouds out there trying to stop him…!


  • raincoaster says:

    And there are some geeks trying to help him. Even anarchal communist geeks using open source software!

  • jaq says:

    Glos is mostly under water – I watched the news last night and rivers are fast flowing and failing, flood waters almost touching the top of the arch and when they do….! Worcs is pretty much out of bounds around the city and Pershore is a lake where one man has already drowned, phoning his wife from the car beforehand. I have friends in the comms industry and stuff is failing all over the show – links are going down everywhere. They have 4×4’s and are all working flat out to keep things going but in some instances we just have to wait – I worry these technicians will be alright as I hear stories of the dangers they put themselves in to keep systems up and running.

    Whilst I am mindful of the importance of keeping our beloved blog and all our thoughts and comments I know you will join me in wishing all those affected by the floods a safe and secure journey through these troubles.

    Keep safe x

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