It comes to something when columnnists write articles about Boris writing articles. But the trend has become more pronounced in the past few weeks. The Guardian calls him “the best bumbling wit who hasn’t stood for leader yet.” in an article that is built on Boris’s latest anti-Bush article. But in the absense of Boris, the Boris-endorsed David Cameron is making a fine replacement, taking the lead over an increasingly lacklustre David Davis. The very public backing of Cameron by Boris will be a shrewd move if Cameron maintains the plaudits and becomes leader. After Cameron’s well-received speech, Boris was reported to be jubilant:
“I thought he played a blinder and I thought he raised a particularly effective peroration, a juddering climax, which brought them all to their knees – that is, their feet – ha, their knees being weak at the time. Very good stuff.”
But, as he noted last week, many are asking why Boris isn’t standing. And Boriswatch is also at a quandary. Boris is by far the most popular Tory, has forthright views which he regularly expresses (and which have done him no harm, if we ignore the Liverpudlian debacle) and often finds that, after much thought, most people agree with him. So why is he not in the frame? The New Statesman has a theory. “[Boris has] a bald patch… visible on the crown of his white mop; the jester-in-chief won’t sound quite so funny if he looks like Iain Duncan Smith.” A harsh warning, but one that needs heeding – Boris should run for leader before its too late!
Does one stand for leader or does one run? Either way, Boris should do it!