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BorisShop has landed!

By April 27, 2005News

A while ago, resident Boriswatch reader John emailed me with a brainwave. He asked whether, in addition to the fine Chargrilled and Teemarto clothing already offered, there was ever going to be a Boriswatch shop. “Boriswatch is like a family to me,” he put, and after considerable blushing, I applied myself to the idea. I had thought of something similar a year ago, but lazily shied away from the effort.
But now, dear readers, I can furnish you with exciting news – the BorisShop is here! Find t-shirts, skinnies, mugs, mousemats, hoodies, and other exciting stuff, with three different designs in four different colours – all waiting for your delectation! If you have any suggestions for other goodies or other designs, let me know. I already have a few ideas myself…


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