A while ago, resident Boriswatch reader John emailed me with a brainwave. He asked whether, in addition to the fine Chargrilled and Teemarto clothing already offered, there was ever going to be a Boriswatch shop. “Boriswatch is like a family to me,” he put, and after considerable blushing, I applied myself to the idea. I had thought of something similar a year ago, but lazily shied away from the effort.
But now, dear readers, I can furnish you with exciting news – the BorisShop is here! Find t-shirts, skinnies, mugs, mousemats, hoodies, and other exciting stuff, with three different designs in four different colours – all waiting for your delectation! If you have any suggestions for other goodies or other designs, let me know. I already have a few ideas myself…
Top notch mate, top notch.
Do you have copyright on any images of Boris? I quite like the idea of the posterized two-color face image, but none of the shops that do this have interesting captions at all (for interesting, an example might be your quotes).
Oooh… shopping.
If only I had some money. Student loan should be through in a couple of days, though 😉
Student loans… ahh, those were the days. Mind you, I’m still paying them off, 4 years later…
Yes, yes, another outlet for captitalist greed. When the Kropotkinist Front for the Liberation of Henley win power next week, posters of Boris will be given away free.
If Boris becomes the first Tory to ever lose Henley, I will personally go there and build a hospital.