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Chargrilled T-shirts…

By March 6, 2005Site News

Morning all. I’ve added a new T-shirt link on the right of the front page – it’s a link to, who have taken to Boris with aplomb and produced t-shirts, hoodies and female skini-fit t-shirts for all us fine Boris fans!


  • John says:

    That is on me list for when I go clothes shopping in a couple of weeks. Shame they don’t have a pic of the hoody.

  • Jimbola says:

    The Boris hoodie could open up a whole new world for me, maybe I could take up street robbery, or maybe burglary. Or simply lounge around smoking super-skunk.

    Whatever next, a Boris Johnson Boogie Board?

  • John says:

    Just bought a Boris Hoodie, you should be getting some money your way wibbler 😡

  • Wibbler says:

    Good work, John – any meagre (but gratefully received) pittance coming my way will be stashed in the Unnervingly Large Bandwidth pile…

  • John says:

    It was the least I could do for a fellow Borisanite, and to promote the great man that is boris. Maybe you should get some boriswatch t shirts made up, I’d wear one….. just a thought.

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