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Vote and Post

By January 12, 2005News

Two Boris-based things to do NOW:
– Make sure you nominate Boris’s official website ( in the Elected representative category on the New Media Awards website.
– Read and post something fun in the really-rather-desolate-of-late Talk Boris forum.


  • John says:

    Someone vote on my behalf, that is one big ass form to fill out.

  • Macarnie says:

    I fear , Mr Wibbler, that unless there is an upturn of topics worth commenting upon; especially having regard to Boris, your remarks about desolation will prove to be understated. I would suggest ‘moribund’ as a more accurate stae of affairs. Has no-one anything to say, apart from the scant scattering of diehards?

  • John says:

    It isn’t his fault, wibbler is probably busy and Boris hasn’t done much lately.

  • Wibbler says:

    Evening all. You’re right, I am astonishingly busy – my 9 to 5 job’s picked up, and I’m in the middle of a house move! Combine that with nothing but articles coming out of Boris at the moment and you’ve got the poor updating you’ve so engagingly noticed. Have no fear though – you’re not missing out on anything, and as soon as something happens, Boriswatchers will be the first to know…

  • Macarnie says:

    I apologise if my remarks were taken as a reflection on Wibblers undoubted dedication.The opposite was intended. I am aware that without Boris’s words / actions ,there is not a lot one can comment upon.

  • Wibbler says:

    No offence taken, Macarnie!

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