If you have a burning topic or news item about Boris you’d like to have published and be discussed with a wide audience, this is the page for you – we’d be delighted to publish your perfect prose! All authors will be given full credit for their work, including a link back to their site.

Topics We’d Like To See

Anything that befits Boriswatch – entertaining, but informative; based on fact and easy-to-read. You may have noticed that Boriswatch.com is very fond of Boris, so it’s likely that positive stories will be looked upon kindly – however we welcome discussions on thorny subjects too.

Short quirky stories are just as welcome as slightly more weighty discussions on an important topic. Take a look at the sorts of posts published here, and you’ll get a feel for the topics and style. Some example topics include:

  • Analysis of Boris’ time as Mayor of London.
  • Recent news stories on Boris, and commentary on them.
  • Information and news commentary on those people surrounding Boris.
  • The future for Boris.

How It Works

  • Authors are given credit for their work. At the end of each post, we can detail your chosen name, a picture of your fine face, any website that you own and want to promote and, if you want, some short blurb (up to 150 characters).
  • Articles may be edited. Please don’t be offended if we suggest changes, fix grammar, add links etc. However, no major changes will be made without your approval. It’s still your post.
  • Articles must be unique. It cannot have been published elsewhere previously, and once the post has been published, ownership of the article passes to Boriswatch.com. It cannot be re-published elsewhere.

How To Submit an Article

When you have written your article, use the contact form below to send it to me. You can add it as an attachment if you wish, using the File Upload field.

If you have any questions or want to talk over an idea before you write it, use the contact form!